
Most of our bags are built to order. What does that mean? It means that your bag is not made until you order them.

We pride ourselves on being more like a fine dining establishment than a fast-food outlet, where you are seated, your order taken, have a quiet drink and chat with friends while your meal is prepared to your specifications.

Your Angus bag is made only when we receive your order. Sorry, but delivery times can be extended. Like a fine meal, aren’t you always happy your food is fresh and hot, and you can enjoy a well-made dinner just the way you like it?

Because the manufacturing process can vary, please don’t order your bag immediately before a trip. We may have a showroom bag in stock, but if you want a bag that is uniquely yours, you may have a wait a bit.

Our standard method of shipping is Canada Post. It is the least expensive and can be a bit of a pain due to the slow delivery times. We do offer courier services as well, which is a LOT faster and is always more expensive. But the choice is yours. Some people don’t mind the wait for perfection.

Freight, taxes, customs, and duty are extra, if applicable. Taxes, customs and duties are not our doing. You can take that up with your local government.

You should always request courier service outside of North America.

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