Most of our bags started out as variants of medical bags and this is no different.
Way back in the early 90’s I was asked by the owner of another bag company to design a small, lightweight personal medical bag. As we sat at the breakfast table in some hotel in Atlanta, the original design was completed on a napkin. That bag was a little different with hinged pockets that folded out but was essentially this bag.
The bag was been revised several times but the basic concept remained.
To make the Crossover truly unique, we modified the interior pockets to accommodate cell and laptop chargers and hold up to a 15″ laptop.
The shell is Invista 1000 Denier Cordura with the best zippers in the world, the YKK #10 metal pulls and inverted metal coil zippers on the main compartments. Like all Angus bags, the zippers are double stitched for added life. Polypro webbing handles are firmly attached to the main body with 1″ side release Delrin buckles on the side and back. Why on the side and back? The shoulder strap converts to a backpack strap so that if you decide to change back and forth without having to carry an extra strap.
The back of the main compartment has a padded sleeve for your tablet or laptop and generous space for a short day trip. Mesh pockets keep your chargers, keys and accessories firmly in place. And yes, there are two water bottle holders. There are two reasons: customers may be right or left-handed and when you choose a nice long walk with your Crossover, you can take plenty of water.
Life all Angus Travel Bags, the Crossover has a FOREVER warranty.
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