Our scholars bring their own uniqueness and individuality into our academic learning environment. We provide k-12 online and in-person academies with a flexible learning environment and teachers at the utmost professional level.
Many of our Pre-Professional Virtual Pre-Professional Scholars Academy are simultaneously enrolled in Cary Ballet Conservatory’s Professional Training Program or other Professional Training Programs. Our Albemarle-area scholars reside in central North Carolina, and our virtual classroom scholars reside in a larger geographical area within and beyond the state. We are proud to have a wide variety of socio-economic, racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. We celebrate our differences and use our experiences to contribute to the perspectives of others in our scholarly community. Contact us to go through the scholars academy admissions process today! We would love for you to join us!
Review the information on this website to learn about our k-12 academy offerings for online and in person learning. Contact us and let us know what you would like to know about our academic programs and how help your student achieve success.
Review the Family Handbook
Gather evidence of immunizations and an unofficial transcript from any previously attended high schools, or middle schools for students enrolling in grades 5-8.
After you have compiled all of this information, submit your Scholars Academy application to admissions at the academy of your choice. Click on the your desired Academy link, below to submit your application.
Be on the lookout for your welcome email with details on the next steps.
Below are a few of the common questions we hear from prospective scholars’ parents.
Check out our Empowering Tidbits blog or contact us for more information.
We offer two virtual academies and one physical location:
The Virtual Gifted Academy is online for k-12 students and considered a private academy. It’s education is for students from kindergarten to 12th grade. It’s offered worldwide.
The Virtual Academy for Pre-Pro Dancers is specifically for students who are ballet dancers. They aren’t dance classes, but work around the busy schedule of dancers and earn credit for their dance classes on their academic transcript.
The Academy at Downtown Albemarle in North Carolina offers in-person learning, along with a Dyslexia Academy for kids between ages 5-11.
The admissions process can be completed in as little as one week with consistent communication with families.
Yes! We complete a thorough transfer credit review for each of our scholars during the admissions process.
Yes! Limited scholarship funding is available for students in North Carolina and across the country. Please inquire with the director for availability at the time of application. Scholarship applications will be considered following the submission of the Academy application.
Questions: Contract Director of Scholars Academy for the Gifted and
Artistically Elite @ drlowder@scholarsacademy4thegifted.org
Phone: 704-796-6902 Address: 116 S 2nd St, Albemarle, NC 28001 Email: InnovativePedagogyEngages@gmail.com
Copyright © Dr. Laura Lowder Educational Consultant; Innovative Pedagogy, LLC –
All Rights Reserved.