Stem Cell Therapy can be useful in these conditions:

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Stem Cell Therapy can be useful in these conditions:


The Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the body, joins the calf muscles to the heel bone. This tendon enables one to walk, run and jump. Achilles tendon tears happen when the tendon stretches beyond its capacity. Achilles tendon rupture is characterized by a snapping sound associated with severe pain around the ankle and back of the leg.

Ankle & Foot Arthritis

Foot and ankle arthritis impedes movement and motion, directly affecting the ability to walk causing stiffness, redness, pain, and deformities. Owing to the fact that each foot houses 28 bones and over 30 joints, arthritis (meaning “disease or inflammation of a joint”) can affect the foot and ankles in a number of painful ways.

Ankle Sprains

A sprained ankle is an injury that causes the ankle’s ligaments to stretch or tear. Ligaments are tough bands of tissue that help connect the bones of the foot to the bones of the leg and hold the ankle joints together. Ligaments prevent the joints from moving excessively, stabilizing them.


Arthritis means inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. It describes more than 100 conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint, and other connective tissues. Specific symptoms vary depending on the type of arthritis, but usually include joint pain and stiffness


ALS is the most common motor neuron disease – an amalgamation of a complex group of diseases with more than one pathway jeopardizing the entire nervous system. The motor neurons are the nerve cells that allow the body to communicate with itself, sending messages to and from the brain and the muscles. They are essentially what enable us to move our legs, arms, and face muscles.


Alzheimer’s disease is the loss of communication between nerve cells in the brain, responsible for tasking and “electrifying” the rest of the cells, thus facilitating communication and coordination between the body and all the tasks it does.


Anti-aging is the concept of delaying or retarding the aging process and extending an individual’s lifetime and quality of life beyond the expected average. It alludes to the process and actions undertaken to advance this cause. Anti-aging research is a relatively new branch of medical science.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological disorder that affects the way a person interacts with others, inhibiting their social interaction, communication, and behavioral development. Symptoms of the disorder begin early in childhood and progress throughout a person’s lifetime.

autoimmune disease

An autoimmune disease is a condition that results from an abnormal response from the immune system of the body. The immune system is the complex network of various cells, tissues, and organs that collectively protect the body from harmful bacteria, viruses or pathogens. Foreign species (antigens) and dead or faulty cells are sensed out and removed or deactivated by the immune system, by the body’s defense system, comprising of antibodies.<

Back Pain

Back pain can range from constant and dull to sudden and sharp. Many times, back pain often develops without an obvious cause that the doctor must then test to determine. Causes for back pains are numerous, some of which have been listed below.


Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a chronic disease in which airflow from the lungs is obstructed. In a healthy, functioning human body, air enters the lungs through two large tubes, the bronchi, extending from the windpipe.

Cartilage Defects

A cartilage defect is damaged cartilage. The cause of this damage can be numerous including, but not limited to, injury, osteonecrosis, and osteochondritis. It is also important to note that oftentimes cartilage defects are confused with Arthritis. However, the two conditions are very different and thus have different treatments.

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, more commonly known as CTS, is a condition that results from the median nerve being pressed as it runs through the wrist. It is a very common condition and often causes a lot of pain and numbness in the hand and arm. It has been found that most of the patients feel the condition worsening with time.


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS, formerly referred to as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is a condition of chronic pain that is usually centered around a leg or an arm.


Cardiomyopathy (kahr-dee-o-my-OP-uh-thee) is a disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body. Cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure.

degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease is a term we use to describe the normal changes in your spinal disk as you age. Discs absorb shocks and protect the bone of the spine from getting damaged.


Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is an important source of energy for the cells that make up the muscles and tissues. It’s also the brain’s main source of fuel.

Elbow tendonitis

Elbow tendonitis, commonly known as either tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, causes the tendons of the lower arm to swell and cause pain through the arm due to inflammation. Tendonitis is caused by either overuse or overload, and in most cases of elbow tendonitis, derives from microscopic tears in the muscle tissue.

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Failed back surgery syndrome is a term that describes a cluster of symptoms that are experienced after spinal surgeries. These spinal surgeries may often be done to correct conditions affecting the back, leg or other parts of the body.


A fracture is a break, usually in a bone. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open or compound fracture. Fractures commonly happen because of car accidents, falls, or sports injuries.


A headache is pain or discomfort in the head or face area. Types of headaches include migraine, tension, and cluster.

Knee Tendonitis

Also known as jumper’s knee, is most common in athletes whose sports involve frequent jumping — such as basketball and volleyball. However, even people who don’t participate in jumping sports can get patellar tendinitis.

Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a not so common skin condition that commonly affects the skin of the genital and perianal regions. This condition can also develop on the skin of the torso, upper arms, breasts or any other parts of the body, although, very less commonly. It is a long-term skin condition characterized by the appearance of small whitish patches that are thinner than normal.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is also known as cervicalgia, and it is pain localised around the neck region. Even though the pain is felt at the neck, it can be caused by several conditions in other parts of the body, including spinal problems.

Heart Failure

Heart failure is also known as chronic heart failure or congestive heart failure. It is a condition in which the heart is not able to pump enough blood throughout the body to maintain its needs.

Interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a condition characterized by chronic pain and discomfort that affects the bladder. It is also called bladder pain syndrome, and not much is known about the condition.

Kidney Failure

Lichen sclerosus is a not so common skin condition that commonly affects the skin of the genital and perianal regions. This condition can also develop on the skin of the torso, upper arms, breasts or any other parts of the body, although, very less commonly. It is a long-term skin condition characterized by the appearance of small whitish patches that are thinner than normal.

Knee Ligament

Neck pain is also known as cervicalgia, and it is pain localised around the neck region. Even though the pain is felt at the neck, it can be caused by several conditions in other parts of the body, including spinal problems.

Heart Disease

Heart failure is also known as chronic heart failure or congestive heart failure. It is a condition in which the heart is not able to pump enough blood throughout the body to maintain its needs.

Lyme Disease

Interstitial cystitis is a condition characterized by chronic pain and discomfort that affects the bladder. It is also called bladder pain syndrome, and not much is known about the condition.