Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
This massage therapy is most effective for the dissipation of lactic acid build up in sore muscles. A trained, competent therapist can also release and loosen the connective tissue that surrounds every muscle fiber, called the fascia. Fascia, the most abundant tissue in the body, has a tendency to bind up like glue. The reason this tissue binds up is in response to habitual movement that most people use that deviates from correct body mechanics. This “glue” in turn inhibits muscle movement and flexibility. A qualified massage therapist should be able to alleviate the tissue constriction and congestion; leaving the client feeling much more flexible and supple. With consecutive sessions, and education about how to retain correct structural body mechanics, the client should get permanent results, with equalized muscle lengths and minimal fascia congestion. This leaves the client pain free and flexible.
Please call to make an appointment: 831-917-9373.